Monday, August 8, 2011

The Least Incompetent Father-To-Be

A new voice! The dad! Yes, it's me, and I'm just happy to be here. People keep asking me if I'm scared or nervous, and I don't think I'm any of those things yet. Two pooping machines and no sleep may get me there, but for now I'm just awe-struck. I think that's the difference sometimes: I know it is going to get bad. real bad. So I can sleep in a bit later for now and play my video game just a bit longer...

We went to a class titled "Life With Baby" and it had singleton parents in there as well. We all went around the room saying what our due date is and what the gender is, and it's almost comical at this point. I say something like "yes, our due date is December 22" and everyone goes "awww" and gives us this kind look, and then I finish with "and we're expecting identical twin girls" and their faces immediately flip to horror and between the gasps and the deep "oh my goodness" we've learned to just hold our head high. Not that we're naive, but that we're ready to take it on!

I have to say, I thought I would be totally behind the curve in this class. I'm not necessarily a baby person -- just never really had a need to. However, once I heard that someone in the class pronounced uterus as utter-us, I realized I would be totally fine. I'm surprised that the little bits and pieces I was able to help with nieces actually seemed like a big part of what is coming up! Anyways, we learned some good stuff (this technique where you jiggle the baby and make noises like Niagara Falls either makes them pee or go to sleep), I learned I'm a pretty good swaddler, and I confirmed that I am the least incompetent father-to-be. At least in that room. Im sure I'll be plenty incompetent in the girls' room at 2AM trying to get one of the girls to get to sleep so daddy can finally close his eyes...

1 comment:

  1. Thankfully little ones are forgiving and don't know when you 'get it wrong' however there are days that even when you get everything right they scream. Can't wait to see your special girls.
