Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Follow-Up Visit

We got to the doctor’s office right when they opened on Tuesday and she saw us right away. Based on the ultrasound, it looked like there was no change in my cervix from the previous week. I kept apologizing for the false alarm, but she wasn’t convinced that that’s what it was. She hooked me up to a contraction monitor and saw 1 over the course of about 45 minutes. She gave me medication to try to stop them from occurring and asked to see me back on Friday to see how it was going. I continued feeling contractions throughout the day, but fortunately the medication worked and by the next morning I was feeling fairly normal again – just exhausted.

At the doctor’s visit I was officially put on bed rest. Previously she had had the attitude that she was ready for me to stop working whenever I said the word, but this time it was no longer my choice to make. I had said all along that, at a minimum, I wanted to make it to my promotion to manager before going on leave. Well Sunday (8/21) my promotion was effective and I made it a whopping 1 workday as a manager before going on disability. Not quite what I had in mind, but I guess it works. Since I made it past my promotion date, my disability benefits get even better and I’ll accrue more vacation days while on leave, so that one day was fairly significant.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your promotion to manager! I'm keeping you guys in my prayers for a safe delivery and healthy babies!
