Friday, August 19, 2011

22 Week Visit

Yesterday we had our 22 week ultrasound. The girls are staying on track (still small but not losing any ground) and have continued to share like we’d want them to. Baby B is 2 days behind where she should be and Baby A is 4 days behind.

Here is the only picture from the visit. We didn’t have much time alone with the ultrasound tech, so all we got was a creepy headshot again from the doctor and we're not sure which baby it is.

I’m not sure if it was just because she was in an unusually good mood that day, but at the 20 week ultrasound the doctor seemed very optimistic about the pregnancy and lack of complications. I kept thinking that hopefully she didn’t just jinx it. Although the babies are doing well, my cervix has now started to shorten, so the doctor warned me to start watching for contractions and to come to the hospital immediately if they started to occur. I’m not sure what they would do at this point if I were to go into pre-term labor, but I’m hoping I don’t have to find out. In the doctors words “It would be really not good if that were to happen.”

We’ll see how things go, but we’re trying to stay optimistic about it all. Hopefully going on bed rest will be easier on my body and will reduce the risk of having complications. I’m trying to make it to September 1 while still working so that I can finish up the remaining projects that are on my plate – I’m counting down the days at this point.

In the meantime, I guess my baby bump has now gotten big enough to where people generally know right away that I’m pregnant. Just about daily I have awkward conversations with complete strangers about it – most often in the elevator at work. Some of the recent gems…

Random lady: “Wow – you’ve got to be miserable, it’s really hot outside”
Me: “It’s not too bad, I just try to stay indoors as much as I can”
Random lady: “I guess that’s what happens when you plan to have a baby in the hottest part of the year. Mine was due in September too, so I understand”
Me: “Actually I’m not due til December…”
After a horrified look from her I clarified that I was having twins

Today I was in the elevator with a food delivery guy who didn’t speak much English
Delivery guy: “Do you have a baby in there?”
Me: “Yes, two actually”
Delivery guy: “Are they twins?”
Is there some other option that I’m not aware of? I’m going to chalk that one up as translation issue.

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