Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Labor and Delivery Trial Run

I guess we did speak too soon. All day Sunday I felt really off – I couldn’t quite explain it, but something was weird. I felt really blah and didn’t have any appetite. Then Monday I was more tired than usual, still didn’t feel like eating and started having stomach pains which got worse as the day went on. I kinda thought it was nothing but after hearing horror stories from other twin mommies, Luke and I were pretty paranoid about pre-term labor. Around 8:30 pm Luke finally convinced me that we needed to make a trip to the hospital to make sure nothing was wrong. I felt really dumb because I was so sure it was nothing and figured they’d tell me it was just gas pains or something, but after the doctor’s warning the previous week we didn’t want to blow it off. So off to the hospital we went. On the bright side, at that time of day there was no traffic on the roads so it only took 45 minutes to get there.

When we got there they sent us straight to the nurses’ station in the labor and delivery wing. I was surprised – no waiting room, no paperwork, just wandered straight there. Within 2 minutes of being there they had me in my own room and changing into a gown. Unfortunately we just missed my doctor. It didn’t even cross my mind to call the doctor before we left the house. She said to go to the hospital if we had any problems, so we just got in the car and went. Lesson learned for next time I suppose. So they got me all hooked up to the monitors and then we got to the paperwork. I was really impressed with how smoothly it all went.

When all was said and done we spent less than an hour and a half at the hospital. The contraction monitor didn’t show any significant activity and the on-call doctor was confident I’d be fine through the night. The babies’ heartbeats were normal so it looked like they were okay too.

I did get quite a lecture before we left though from the doctor about the need to slow down. I tried to explain to him that I had slowed down by comparison to my normal, but he didn’t seem to like that answer. It was kinda funny because, as he put it, he has “one like me at home.” His wife had a similar mentality to me when she was pregnant with their twins and although their babies were fine, he didn’t like the idea of me doing the same things she was doing.

They called my doctor before sending me home and she said she wanted me to come in for a visit first thing the next morning for a more thorough look at what was going on.

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