Thursday, February 2, 2012

Month 1

The first month of having the girls home was definitely rough. We had been given fair warning in our multiples class about how much work it would be, but it didn't really sink in until we got the girls home.
One of the few benefits to having the girls in the NICU was that by the time they came home they were already on a schedule. They would eat every 3 hours and were an hour apart. So Alli would eat at 2am, 5am, 8am... and Dani would eat at 3am, 6am, 9am... By the time you change their diaper and feed and burp them, it pretty much took up their full hour. This meant that you only get a 1 hour break every 3 hours. Now if you want to do laundry or wash/prepare bottles or pump or something crazy like eat a meal or shower, that cuts into your one hour break and before you know it you've gone 24 hours without sleeping. We resorted to taking care of them in shifts because that was the only way either of us would get any rest. Fortunately my family is close by too so we had some backup help. I'm tired all over again just thinking about it!
The highlight of their first month was a photo shoot with Kelly. She got some great shots of them - I am still amazed by how she was able to do such a professional shoot in our living room. They are just short of 4 weeks old in these pictures. A few of my favorites are below, but here is a link to some additional ones. K. Smyth Photography Link


It was much more successful than when Luke and I tried to do it ourselves - here is the best one we could get of them. They're 2 weeks old here. Dani is on the left and Alli is on the right.

Here is a picture of the girls on their 1 month birthday. We're going to try to take pictures of them with the same bear each month so that we have something constant to compare their size to. One flaw to that plan was that they weren't quite ready to sit up on their own for this month's photo which made for an interesting photo shoot (babies falling all over each other/spitting up on themselves/screaming and all that fun stuff). Dani is on the left and Alli is on the right.

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