Wednesday, June 22, 2011

14 Week Ultrasound

They’re GIRLS!

We’re very excited and I can’t wait to start decorating their room. The doctor was very adamant about me not doing any painting myself though. I kind of planned to just ignore that, but Luke told me on the way home that I needed to listen to the doctor. I know he’s right - we’d never forgive ourselves if something happened to the babies because I was being stubborn and wanted to do everything myself, but that didn’t stop the tears from coming. The doctor had also told me during the visit that I wasn’t allowed to do any of the stuff we had planned for our Vegas trip this weekend – no helicopter sight-seeing tour, tour around the Grand Canyon, nothing fun. I had made peace with the idea of early bed-rest, but the idea of not being able to enjoy the time before that is awfully frustrating.

So now my mission is to figure out ways to do what I want to do without breaking any of the rules…I’ll figure something out J

Here is the ultrasound picture from today’s visit. I’m so used to seeing 2 of everything that I was very confused as to what I was looking at when the ultrasound tech handed this picture to me on the way out. For other clueless people – it’s a shot between the legs of baby A – just showing there is nothing there to confirm that they’re girls.

On a somewhat unrelated note - last weekend was Father's Day and my mom had out the camera. Here is what my baby bump is looking like these days:

Thursday, June 9, 2011

12 Week Ultrasound

Today we had our 12 week ultrasound visit. The babies are still looking healthy, albeit a bit on the small side. Based on their size alone, they’re 3 days and 5 days, respectively, behind where they should be. That’s consistent with where they were during the first 2 ultrasounds, so I suspect my due-date may be off by a few days. The nurse said that they won’t change the due date as long as it’s that close, so we’re sticking with December 22 (not that it really matters given the planned early delivery).

I asked the doctor when we would be able to find out what they were. I meant what the gender of the babies was, but I was struggling with my words. I tried to save the conversation and said “I mean I know they’re babies, but when can we find out if they’re boys or girls?” I’m pretty sure the doctor muttered underneath her breath “puppies” which made me giggle a bit. She then started shaking my belly with the ultrasound scanner trying to get them to move apart (they were curled up together before that and it was hard to differentiate one’s body parts from the others’). Unfortunately she couldn’t get a good enough look to tell us for sure what the gender is. She said she thought she knew, but didn’t want to tell us until she was absolutely sure. To my untrained eyes, I didn’t see anything between their legs, so I think they’re likely girls – but hopefully we’ll get a confirmation next time.

We strangely don’t have a preference as to whether they’re boys or girls. I really would have expected to feel strongly about it one way or another, but with all the potential risks that have been thrown out there, our focus has just been on having healthy babies. I’m very anxious to know either way though – I have the week of 6/27 off and would love to get their room painted and start decorating during that time. The doctor keeps telling me to get my ducks in a row very early because I won’t be able to during bed rest, so I’m feeling the pressure.

Here are the ultrasound pictures from this week’s visit:

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

MOMs Group

Tonight I tried to attend my first Moms of Multiples (MOMs) meeting. Their website said they meet at the hospital on the first Monday of each month. Something about going into a room full of new people really makes me uncomfortable, so I was dreading it. I’m completely fine once I find someone to talk to, but the initial fear of the possibility of being the only one that doesn’t know anyone kinda freaks me out. Luke is usually the social one in those situations and loves having the opportunity to make new friends, but the name seemed to imply that it was for moms only which meant I was on my own for this one. Luke had given me a pep talk over dinner and I had prepared myself to try my best to be social (yes, I realize that sounds lame).

I got to the hospital and went to the room where I thought the meeting was, but that conference room and all of the rooms surrounding it were empty. In the lobby there was a group of very pregnant women and their significant others. I asked one of the women if this was the moms group and she said yes (after giving me a strange look). I thought “okay, not sure what that was about, but I don’t think I want to try to be friends with that one...” I took a seat and waited for something to happen.

A few minutes later a nurse came by and asked if everyone was there for the hospital tour. Now things were starting to make sense – while these were moms, they weren’t MOMs. Oops! I briefly considered taking the tour to avoid bringing attention to my mistake, but I’m not delivering at that hospital so it would be a waste of time. I got up and quietly made a getaway. I’ll try again next month.